Hi, and welcome to my adventures. I'm a native Alaskan, born and raised in Southeast Alaska's First City, Ketchikan. I grew up hearing stories from my Great Grandpa, "Bucka", about animals and outdoor adventures. Those stories inspired many day dream adventures about the history and lore of Alaska and particularily the peoples and characters of the southern southeast Alexander Archipelago, a group of about 1,100 islands.
Alaska has many myths and legends. Most of Alaska is wilderness so there is much to explore and stories from First Nation peoples, and the workers who make their living in the woods and on the waters of Alaska are inspiration for my stories.
Tlingit, Haida and Shimshian,loggers, trappers, mushers, bush pilots and fishermen comprise just a few of the adventurers who make up the character and color of where I live. And don't forget about the "spirit" of forest. Whenever you are in my backyard, he is there.
I hope you find my adventures fun and learn to love my home as much as I do.